Sunday, May 21, 2017

Tips for Conferencing

This week I attended a conference for work. It was for libraries, which made it kind of weird because I really work at an archive/special collections library, which is not really like a public, academic, or school library outside of the fact that both have books. But, there's always something that is applicable, so I made the most of it and developed some trusty tips for coping with conferences:

1. Get a good night's sleep. Sitting and listening for 8 straight hours is exhausting. I know, it sounds ridiculous and counter intuitive but it's a fact. So, be well rested.

2. Pack a sweater or a jacket. Even if it's 110 degrees in the shade outside (especially then!), layer up. Because conference centers are freezing.

3. Hit the vendor hall. The goal is to get as many free pens as possible (I managed 10. At this rate, I will never have to buy another pen or stylus in my life!). Or to stock up on chocolate to keep you alert during the sessions.

4. Always go to at least one "just because I want to" session. I know you're there for work and you feel obligated to go to all the sessions relevant to your particular job but give yourself at least one session that is something that you are interested in and that sounds fun and interesting, regardless of how relevant it is to your work.

5. Give yourself some down time. The one I went to, even lunch was scheduled with speakers. A person needs some time to not have to engage with strangers if they don't want to, to not have to be surrounded and 'on' as it were. This conference was only a one-dayer, so it was alright, but a person definitely needs to have a break.

So, there you go. Conference survival strategies. You're welcome.

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