Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Post 201

Welcome to the first of the third 100 posts on this blog. In some circles, I feel like I'm an anomaly for consistently writing a blog. There is a vibe that blogs aren't trendy anymore--it's all about 140 characters and hashtags. But in truth, I really just don't care what the trend is anymore. 

Honestly, I am too tired to care about much these days. I've been trying to muster up the energy and enthusiasm for a chipper #201 and finally decided to scrap clever and witty and just tell it like it is. I am exhausted. 

"Well, duh. It's almost midnight. Go to bed!"

Not that kind of tired. The kind of tired that drains every part of your being. I don't think there's enough sleep in the universe to un-tired me.* 

And yes, it probably won't last forever, at some point things will click back into place and I won't feel so drained. Eventually it will be okay. But, you know, I only get one round on earth, and I'm really mad that so much of it seems to be spent in a near-zombie like state. I don't want to sleep through life! I know there's the whole immortality thing to come, but there's only one go at mortality, only one shot to experience life this way, and darn it all, what a waste to be too burned out to enjoy it! 

Anyway, that is life at the moment. And now, I will go to bed because it certainly can't hurt. 

*Although, I'd be willing to test pilot a pause button for reality to see if that would help. 

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