So, last night I went with my sister and her kids to one of the campus eateries. I would say cafeteria, but this is not cafeteria food. Cafeteria food makes me think of funny smells and for some reason "food like substances" comes to mind. Not that cafeterias are always like that, there is just that connotation. Anyway, back to the story. We go to the cafeteria, and the rule is salad first. I become the hero because I get the three-year old to eat salad. (Amazing what bacon, ranch, and sitting on someone's lap will do). Then he decided I was going to eat pizza, so I had some. and then we toured the other food options. En route, he picked up a peach. Somewhere during dinner, he took some bites out of it, and he kept saying, "It has funny eyes!" He had eaten a face onto the peach--eyes and a mouth. I am not sure if this was intentional, but it was pretty impressive. We finally figured out what he had done when he started chasing people with his peach monster. I myself ended up with some peach juice patches on my clothing. (He was very proud of that peach monster, but he did finally devour the whole peach).
The Peach Monster (he is poking one of its eyes) |
One of the highlights of this outing was the soft serve ice cream machine. The kids love it. I saw it and wondered if I still had it in me. I worked at a fast food place the summer after my freshman year, and made a lot of soft serve ice cream cones. There is a certain knack to making them look good. It has been a long time since I worked there, and I haven't made a soft serve cone since, but I figured I'd give it a go. It was like riding a bike. I served up some beautiful ice cream cones, I must say.
So, the good news is, if I fail to find a job, I can fall back on my skills as a soft serve server. Or, if anyone needs help getting their 3 year old to eat veggies, that is part of my repertoire, too. Now
those are some skills, my friends.
That is quite an impressive skill set... you can try getting Eric to eat veggies sometime - if you can accomplish that - I will be most impressed!