Monday, February 20, 2023

Whose day?

I'm not complaining that once a year we get a day off in February but this year, I was curious about what we are supposed to care about on this day (besides no work. Let's be honest. That's the important thing for a low-level holiday like Presidents Day). 

As I do in all situations where I want to know a bit of basic info but not invest loads of time, I turned to my friend Wikipedia, which says that the federal holiday is Washington's Birthday, but it has a different name in all the states: 15 variations in all. (How? That is so many names!)

It celebrates Washington specifically, but I guess in some places (what's in a name, they say. Well, apparently what's in a name is what you celebrate) it celebrates US presidents in general. 

This begs the question. How do we feel about this? I mean, like I say, I am all about the day off. But presidents already get minimum 4 years of days where they get to be the special person. And then they get to be special for all the days after that. Seems like maybe they've had their turn.

So, I guess it's fair that no one actually thinks about them on Presidents Day, or President's Day, or Presidents' Day, or Washington's birthday, or whatever we call it. And I am not going to stand on principle if it means not having a nice 3-day weekend in February. So, happy whatever-your-state-calls-it day to you!

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