Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Favorite vacation

A couple of weeks ago, we were hosting a boot camp at work and to introduce ourselves, we were supposed to tell about our favorite vacation.

Favorites are not my favorite.

How do you pick a favorite vacation? There's the vacations from my childhood, which have the bonus nostalgia factor. I remember a particular campground where we went. It had a nice creek that would freeze your feet off. Many good memories. 

There's the whimsical vacations. Like a 4th of July in a small town or the labor day weekend whirlwind tour to Kirtland, Ohio; Palmyra, New York, and both sides of Niagara Falls.

I've done a couple of solo trips, where I've enjoyed the solitude. 

And most of my vacations are to visit family. How do you pick a favorite Christmas or summer in the midwest? It's not possible!

On top of that there is all the world travel, which isn't always technically a vacation. Some of my work trips have been every bit as fun as a vacation. Get the right people and it's a vacation waiting to happen. No travel required (I had a great vacation last October working a normal schedule and in my own city). 

You can see why favorites are hard. 

I have had some interesting vacations (three days on an island with an active volcano). Classic vacations (Disneyworld with my sister's family. Again--the people make the vacation). Family reunions traveling across the country. Family vacation across the state, where kids sank up to their knees in muddy sand and we fell in love with some kittens. I've even had the disaster experience. Peru, well, it wasn't a disaster per se, but it sure was a bumpy ride. 

Really, the best vacations are about the memories and there are sure a lot of ways to get them. So I say, love them all!

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