Monday, November 21, 2022

Feliz navidad

I usually try to hold off on Christmas stuff until after Thanksgiving. Mostly out of a weird unfounded worry that I'll burn out on Christmas too soon.* Or get in the Christmas mindset too early and still have a huge chunk of the year left. NO evidence that either of these will actually happen, but there it is.

This year, though, I am starting early. Two weeks ago, I was just ready for the Christmas music. So I jumped in, which I can get away with because I live alone. And today, I put up the tree which yes, is early, but I have a VERY good reason. See, I'm out of town for Thanksgiving, and I get back on Sunday, and then I leave super early on the Wednesday for a work trip to Peru, I get back from that on the 10th, and then I go out of town for Christmas on the 17th. And won't be back until January. So, if I don't start now, I won't get to do it at all and I LOVE the Christmas decorations! 

And yes, of course they will probably stay up until February, but you don't get the same feel from them after Christmas (trust me, I know). They are still awesome, and I still love them, but the Christmas vibe is past. It's the lead up to Christmas where they are the best. 

That is why I'm doing Christmas early this year. Because I feel like it, and I deserve it, and I need it, and the season is going to be too short, and I need just a minute to breathe, and maybe with the mood of Christmas, I'll get my minute. And it's beautiful. 

*And I also want to add, I support people who start sooner, because that's your call to make and sometimes, you just need some great Christmas music. Also, there's just not enough time for everything if you wait too long! But I'm not a fan of Christmas stuff going up the day after Labor day in stores and black Friday happening in October. It's too much.

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