Sunday, September 4, 2022

Who knew?

It turns out that I hate unpacking.

At least, I assume that's the case based on the fact that for all of the trips I've taken in the last 6 months, on only one occasion did I unpack within 24 hours of arriving home. I got back from my most recent trip on Wednesday and still haven't unpacked everything. And the record? I think it was something like 2 weeks to fully finish unpacking.

It may not be fair to say I hate unpacking. I think it's more a lack of interest. I'm ambivalent, and there are other interesting things to do, so I don't get around to it. Which could have some sort of deeper meaning about the state of my life or something, but who has time to worry about that.*

Also, in my defense after this latest trip, I was coming off of a week of averaging 4.5 hours of sleep per night, going into essentially a 5-day weekend**, and coming out of COVID (very mild case, and only 1 out of 3 tests confirmed it was COVID, but I feel like it was the confirming test that counted). Clearly, other factors were at play.

All of which means I still haven't unpacked completely. But tomorrow, if I break my general pattern of non-working day shenanigans, it will get done.

This is fine. 

*Okay, you got me. I do. Or at least, the couple weeks prior to my departure I seemed to, because I spent a lot of time laying in bed not falling asleep overanalyzing life. So, time? Yes. Desire? NO.

**That ended up really being a 3.5 day weekend. The first day went as planned: worked half a day and took half a day sick-day. The second day was supposed to be a comp day, for working the weekend before, but then there was a project our team in Mexico had to have done by the end of the day and of our team of 7 people stateside, only one was planning on working. And it's not like I could go anywhere (COVID. I probably could have gone somewhere, but it seemed like a really bad idea). So, I kind of worked 5 or 6 hours. Maybe 4. Whatever. It was fine. We got the project done, and I wasn't bored out of my mind all day. I also didn't unpack, but tradeoffs. 

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