Sunday, April 24, 2022

An interesting sell

Yesterday, I was driving through a neighboring city and saw a bunch of signs for a high school fundraiser. We all remember those, right? Well, me not so much in high school. We did chocolates in grade school and junior high. And I know there was other stuff we were supposed to sell. I wasn't much of a salesperson (not then, not now), so I didn't do much selling, other than the chocolate. In the words of my 3 year old niece, "Because...chocolate." And I bought most of it, I'm pretty sure. 

Anyway, reminiscing aside, back to the story. This high school wasn't fundraising with chocolate or calendars or wrapping paper or cards or whatever. Their fundraiser was--wait for it--mattresses. 

Yes, mattresses. 

It's an interesting choice. I mean, there's a very specific demographic that would 1) be able to buy a mattress to help raise funds for a high school and 2) would need a mattress. Whereas, chocolates most people could probably scrape enough together to buy at least one box and you always need chocolate. Long-term, a good mattress is much more healthy than a box of chocolate, but short-term, one is definitely more affordable. 

So, it's an interesting choice, yeah? Mattresses. And then a block or two after I saw the first sign, I saw kids--and I just need to say it, there's no way that these kids could be in high school. I mean, they looked twelve! Maybe this is just one of those, "you are getting old things", but seriously, they do not look old enough to be in high school. Anyway, these kids were wearing mattresses. Half a mattress, accurately, and obviously not the springs and stuff, just the exterior. But they were wearing mattresses to sell their mattresses.

And basically, I'm just curious to know how they decided to fundraise with mattresses. And what other fundraisers are the kids doing these days? 

Man, the times they be a changing. 

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