Sunday, March 27, 2022

the "right" side of history

I absolutely 1 million percent detest the phrase "the right side of history". While I'm not a historian, I do work in a very history heavy field, and I can tell you, that phrase is just absurd, for two major reasons:

1) right side of whose history? Isn't there some saying that history is written by the winner? So, are we saying the right side of the winner's history? What about the "loser's" history? Or women, or children, or minorities (which has been all of us at one point in the millions of years of human existence)? WHOSE HISTORY?!?!?!

2) History isn't one solid, set in stone thing. History is a kaleidoscope, that is constantly shifting as new perspectives are added. Those perspectives are both contemporary perspectives to the historical event, as new records are discovered, but also modern perspectives as we become more removed from the event. How can you have a right side of something when its sides are constantly shifting and growing and shrinking? Look, Hitler thought he was on the right side of history. Slaveowners convinced themselves they were on the right side of history. For centuries, Columbus was the hero. The historical events (sans interpretation of them) haven't changed. We have. How can you be on the right side when that's a moving target?

3) How in the heck can you know how history will judge you? (Again, Hitler. Columbus. Etc.) You are in the present. You have no idea what the right side of history is. Because you aren't history yet!

I propose we just be on the right side of right. Because there really is right and wrong. And some things are just wrong. So why don't we just say, "Be on the right side of right"? Why are we hemming and hawing and saying, "Be on the right side of history"?* Are we scared of saying that there is right and wrong? And yeah, it gets messy. Sometimes, right and wrong are very contextual. And yes. In 200 years, people may judge us. But that's not my problem. My problem is here and now, and there is right and there is wrong. And I think generally, we know which is which and I think they generally don't change as much as we think they do. Hating, greed, murder--those things aren't right. Being unfaithful, lying, cheating--also not right.** (Whereas, I have no clue what the right side of history will be in a hundred years). Being kind, treating all people with respect, helping others--always right. 

So, let's just be on the right side of right, and stop worrying about history. History will take care of itself, but there's a present that needs us to show up.

*Let's not give people a greater incentive to try to make the history books. Por favor!

**Just because society accepts something, doesn't make it right. Important to note that. And you don't have to dig into the past to see how that is true. 

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