Sunday, March 21, 2021

Icebreakers for kids

What if the floor was made of bananas?

What if you had shoes that made the ground lava?

What if you could only sing?

What if buildings were made of peanuts?

What if you had a (fill in the blank, but obviously it has to be a non-typical animal) for a pet?

What if you mixed [insert 2 animals] together?

What if one of your toys became the real thing?

What if you had a feature of a different animal every day, like Imogene in Imogene's Antlers?

What if you lived on the moon? 

What if you lived in a tree? (I'm very curious what their treehouses would entail)

What would be the best dinosaur to have in the army? (Or as a firefighter, etc.)

What if a dragon breathed [insert something other than fire]?

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