Saturday, January 25, 2020

The longest weeks

Why is it that the week after a three-day weekend is always soooo long? There are only 4 days, but somehow, the week drags on and on. But only when the four days are Tuesday through Friday. If the three-day weekend is a Friday through Sunday, well, the week after still seems long but it seems like it is more bearable than a Saturday through Monday three-day weekend. (This could just be because we just had a Saturday through Monday three-day weekend. It's just been a while since I had a Friday through Sunday one, so of course it seems better). Although, maybe the four day part of the week takes forever, too, because you know at the end of it is a three-day weekend. Either way, an extra day off makes for a long week.

Not that I'm in favor of getting rid of Monday holidays. I'm totally down with them. But it was definitely a long week.

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