Monday, January 6, 2020

I bid you adieu

Dear 2019,

You have been gone now for 6 days and I just want to say, we had good times, we had bad times, may you rest in peace.

We saw some new places: Boston, Disney World, the bird refuge. We made it through the flu, another round of gum grafts, and coped with the traditional Christmas bug (it happens when you spend the holiday with a bunch of kids). We saw a lot of family throughout the year which was always joyful and managed some visits with old friends, which was a delight.

There were some professional developments--received a certification and took on some new responsibilities, only to change positions later. That was exciting and unexpected.

Read a lot of books, found I could still get a sound out of a flute, and kept working on old hobbies to some degree or other. Failed dismally at most of the goals for the year but hopefully managed to remain a decent person, even if I didn't improve.

And now we come to a new year. It just won't be the same without you, 2019. I know we all have to move on at some point, but know that, despite the exhaustion and stress and general global discord, you were a good year and you'll be remembered fondly.

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