Sunday, February 3, 2019

Tricks of the lazy

It was brought to my attention this week that planning is actually an activity of the lazy. Okay, maybe not the lazy, but those who want to minimize the amount of work they have to do. 

See, when you have a plan, you know what you are trying to accomplish and you can outline how you are going to accomplish it. You have an idea of how to make it work. You're not playing pin-the-tail on the donkey and just hoping that it all works out. Of course, even when you plan, you have to tweak and adjust. But you probably don't have to start from scratch over and over again. Or duplicate effort a dozen times. 

I'm a big fan of only having to do the work once. And ironically, I don't feel like I'm a very good planner in my personal life. Of course, in my personal life, I don't have a lot of big projects that have huge deadlines and serve vast numbers of people. This is a good thing, and a characteristic of my non-working life that I enjoy. But professionally, I do try to plan because, well, that's what professionals do. And because it's just easier to plan. Really, it is.

So, yeah. Let's all be a little lazier and plan!

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