Monday, March 26, 2018

Casting Call

If I were to choose the movie genre for my life, it would be comedy, all the way. I mean, why would you choose anything else? Pass on horror, pass on westerns*, no thanks on war movies or sci-fi**. Can't stand suspense***. Romance? Well, I am down with love, but I don't know if I do romance. Not even rom-com. Too much drama. And I'm definitely not cut out for drama.

So, you can imagine how irritating it is that I find myself in a drama. There are some situations that have come up that just seem SO serious and I literally woke up one morning thinking, "This is crazy! No way can this stuff be this serious! It's just too dramatic!" And there is this part of my brain that just wants to laugh it off, because is any of it really that big a deal?

Well, yes. But I do wish we could get together, say "Isn't this crazy?", laugh at how crazy it is, and then fix the problems and get on with life. Without the drama. Or melodrama. Because meanwhile, there are going to be lots of hurt feelings, lots of frustration, and a lot of stress. Down with this.

Anyway, whoever did the casting for this gig? I think you ought to try again.

This post was brought to you by:
Chocolate--essential for all dramatic situations
Genres--a very archivist-y thing to have
Movies--mostly making me glad that's not my life
Laughter--the duct tape of life
Humanity--keeping life interesting

*unless it was a comedic western, but honestly, I really like indoor plumbing and computers
**unless I get to be an archivist with a Tony Stark style computer, because that would make digital archiving sweet
***I'm the person that, in the zombie apocalypse, will just let the darn zombies bite me because I can't take the stress of trying to avoid the inevitable

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