Sunday, September 17, 2017

It's here!

This week, we had this brilliant rainstorm. I walked out of my house right after it started and walked the one block to work, where I took off my shoes and ran around in my socks most of the day so my shoes could dry out. It was beautiful. I wished I'd had my camera, because it was coming down so hard, and there were thousands on thousands of raindrops bouncing off the granite plaza all at once and the effect was really cool. Of course, if I'd had my camera, it would have gotten very waterlogged, and then I might not have a camera anymore, but still. 

Well, the rain cooled things down quite a bit, and ever since then, there's just been that autumn feel in the air. Mornings are a bit chillier - I've shut the window in the living room for the first time in months. And darker. I wake up and it's dark outside, which I kind of love. There's something about being awake before the world is moving, before the sun is out. It's quiet and reflective. The only problem is I have to get out of bed instead of staying in it. 

It's also darker sooner. I used to photograph sunsets after nine. Now, I catch them around 8:00.

And I wore jeans for the first time in months. And socks to work! Time to say goodbye to my ridiculous sandal tan*:

Before you know it, it will be time to pull out my fall jacket and the sweaters and everything will have that autumn feel. Personally I'm glad. I love autumn. It's never quite long enough. Still. What happened to the last nine months?!

*This tan is the a composite tan from two pairs of sandals. One, a pair of Tevas, the other a pair of dressier sandals. I find it very entertaining. Why would anyone ever try to have a uniform tan? It's so boring!

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