Saturday, September 9, 2017

Fall Food Tragedy

About two and a half weeks ago, I had some oral surgery. It was an experience. I never had my wisdom teeth out, so this was a first for me. I had the fun of getting very swollen, which made it entertaining when I had to pick up the prescriptions from the pharmacy; the joy of stitches in my mouth and a modified diet; the fun of being incredibly numb - I've never had my ears numb before! But mostly I'm recovered. My lower lip is still a little tingly-numb and the roof of my mouth (where they took the graft for the surgery from) is feeling-less* but it's not much to worry about.

The only real lingering problems are 1) being cautious while brushing and 2) a still modified diet. My menu has expanded, but I still have to eat soft foods (soft including rice but not steak). Which is getting really boring, for one thing. I don't think I've ever wanted to eat something with a bit of substance so bad in my life. But the real tragedy is apples.

Apples, not surprisingly, count as a "hard" food so I can't eat them currently. I do tend to eat a lot of apples, mostly because it's pretty easy to find good tasting apples whereas my luck with, say, peaches is hit and miss. I struggle to find the right moment for eating. Even so, I would be okay taking a break from apples except for one thing. It's Sweetango apple season, and I can't eat them.

Sweetango apples are, in my book, the most amazing apples on earth. And they are only available for a limited time. Namely, now. And for the next 3 or 4 weeks, max. And I can't eat them.

But apples keep for a while, right? And I should be back to regular eating in about three weeks. So, if I just buy a few apples every week, and save them for a couple of weeks in the fridge, I can still sneak in some Sweetangos. This can work. Right? Because I need my Sweetangos!

*It is odd to realize that you do actually feel in the roof of your mouth. It doesn't seem like a very 'feely' place.

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