Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Definitely NOT a foodie

I have a serious problem: I can never figure out what to eat. I get up in the morning and there's cereal or cereal or cereal. Or toast, maybe, if it sounds good, which lately it hasn't. Then I have to fix something for lunch, which means cooking something. Cooking takes so much time and effort and it's just for me. And if I make a lot of it, I end up eating the same thing every day for a week. And don't even get me started on dinner. Who wants to spend time fixing food when they've just worked a full day and there's no one to enjoy it with?

None of which would be that big of a problem if something actually sounded appealing. But seriously, food is just so boring lately. This is a situation that isn't going to improve with the summer, because heat will put me off food faster than anything.

So, yes, huge problem. But, today at work someone mentioned Hawaiian Haystacks and it sounded delicious! There was a food that I wanted to eat! So fingers crossed that I will still want it tomorrow at lunchtime. I need to eat something.

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