Monday, October 17, 2016

Time Out

This week I realized just how sick and tired I am of the election. I think we're all feeling it, yeah? You're feeling it? Anyway, I was laying in bed late one night after having a two hour long discussion about the climate in the country and was thinking back on my trip to Atlanta and how much I enjoyed it and how nice and carefree life seemed then. Yes, I know, it was only August, which was only 2 months ago but it still feels like life was cheerier. Of course it was cheerier! It was summer and I was traveling a lot and there were kids to hug and photos to take of cool new places and I had another trip to look forward to so it felt like reality was on hold only now someone pressed play on reality and it is really very sad. (To cheer myself up, I've been watching re-runs of Keeping Up Appearances. Not a bad call, really).

Anyway, I have decided I am opting out of the election from here on out. Well, okay, not here on out because I have to fill out my ballot and mail it in, but other than that, I'm out. No more conversations about the insanity of the US 2016 election in which we rehash what has been thrown around for the last billion years. (Whaddya mean, it's only been 18 months, give or take a few? Are you sure? Really? Longest 18 months ever. Gotta be).

Instead, I will be falling back on my favorite conversation starters:

Sleeping Beauty - pink dress or blue?
The Beast - cuter as a man or a beast?
What vegetables best represent each of the high school stereotypes? (e.g. which veggies are the cheerleaders? The nerds? The class clowns? etc.)

And maybe adding some new ones:
Why is it that archery is so much cooler than guns? (Case in point: Thor: The Dark World. The Asgardians are supposed to be this superior society and they are still all using bows and arrows and spears against the bad guys who have really fancy guns. It makes no sense, and yet, you know the bows and arrows are hot.)
Is it true that you can't go wrong with chocolate? Or with deep frying things? (I argue, yes. The fun comes in inventing the ways you can go wrong.)
Animals that start with P. Discuss. (Pangolins, platypuses, pandas, penguins. So much possibility!)

Honestly, it's pretty fun to come up with these. I suggest you try it. Because we all definitely need a break.

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