Wednesday, October 19, 2016

DOING something

I read a lot of news stories and listen to a lot of podcasts that talk about people in need: refugees from the Middle East, people in Venezuela, those in poverty in America, the hurricane victims in Haiti, and on and on. (There are a lot of people in this world that could use some help). And while I appreciate being informed, I always walk away thinking, "But what can I DO? How can I help?"* I do contribute financially to humanitarian efforts but keep wondering if there is more I can do.

And tonight, I did something. I went through my closet and I took out all the clothes I don't wear. Even the things that were sentimental. I just said, "I'm not wearing it and someone else could, so sentimentality can go hang!" Now, I will donate those and someone will benefit. My next project is to cull my books. Refugees could use some books, right? Or maybe someone could sell them and use the profits for a good cause?

I know it isn't much. I'm not leaving hearth and home to go volunteer in the refugee camps or anything but I think that is probably okay. I had been feeling like I should be giving more of myself, and not just money, but as I looked for opportunities, I realized that there is a need for money and supply donations and if that's the need, then it's okay to help that way. And right now, that might be all I can give. But however small or insignificant, I'm doing something. Hooray!

* If you are a reporter or podcaster, here's a tip: you've worked hard to tell people a story and get them to care. And it's working! People care! So, you should also give them some info on how they can help. Volunteer? Donate? Contact a congressperson? Definitely milk us for all we're worth!

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