Friday, March 18, 2016

The problem with communication

So, I was having a conversation with someone at work about fruit snacks. And we were talking about how they were the perfect size for getting your sweet craving satisfied. And I mentioned they should package chocolate chips that way (she agreed, by the way. Any chocolate chip companies reading this, there's an idea for you).

Then in my head I continued the conversation, thinking about how that probably wouldn't help because I would eat 3 packages of hypothetical chocolate chip packages. Like when I opened the single-serve bag of Cadbury mini eggs, and was going to just have a couple, but at the whole bag (small bag, guys, small bag). Thinking about Cadbury stuff made me think about Easter stuff, like peeps, and reminded me of a thing I'd seen on Fruit Punch Peeps (which is SO SO WRONG), and a recipe where they made cupcakes, stuck a peep on top, and then frosted over the peep.

And then I was about to say something about peep-frosted cupcakes. But, if you recall, the last part of the conversation that was said out loud was chocolate chips. So the conversation would have gone like this:

"They need to make single-serving bags of chocolate chips."


"Don't cupcakes with peeps on top and a layer of frosting sound disgusting?"

A little lacking in cohesion, if you know what I mean. And, I think one of the things that makes communication so difficult. If other people are like me, they don't actually speak out loud some of the steps in the thought process. No wonder people get confused!

Although, it can keep things interesting.

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