Saturday, September 26, 2015

Life is not like [fill in sport of choice here]

The other day at work the thought hit me that I really needed a break from life. And, in trying to find the right way to describe it, I opted for the good old sports analogy: I needed a substitution. Just a chance to sit on the bench and rest for awhile.

Which got me thinking about how life really isn't like sports. Which is not to say there is no commonality at all--I just used the sports metaphor*, so clearly I'm not totally opposed. I'm just saying there are limits. So, here you have it: All the ways life is not like sports at all.

1) There are no substitutions. This, I feel, is a bit of an oversight.

2) There is no half time. Again, oversight.

3) No fans watching me play. This is not an oversight. This is a relief. Thank you, Universe.

4) Pretty sure that even if it is like sports, we're pretty much all playing a different game. And even when we're playing the same game as someone else, we're following different sets of rules. Very problematic. No wonder there's so much chaos. And somehow, I really like envisioning life this way, a bunch of people all playing different sports. So much potential for humor and entertainment! (Susie the tennis player going up against Johnny the rower. What kind of mash-up do you get from that?) It's so descriptive. I just really like this idea.

5) Did I get a warm-up?

6) The events do the equivalent of Chinese Fire Drills. One second, I've got one group of players. Then, all of a sudden, different team, different sport, different rules. Is it even a team sport? How do I score things? I'm so confused!**

7) I'm not so sure we make the team we're best suited for. Hypothetically (and it must by hypothetical because I have no aptitude for athletics), let's say I'm a great swimmer. But rather than put me on the swim team, Life has decided I should be on the curling team. Complete mismatch.

8) A lack of trophies. Or medals. I think I'm pretty okay with this. But I don't think more medals and trophies (when merited) could hurt.

So, the really important thing that we've learned here is that you should never take a metaphor*** too far. Got it? Great. How about a team cheer?

*what is the distinction between metaphor and analogy? For the purposes of this post, let's assume they are interchangeable. Just for fun.
** To quote my high school calculus teacher.
***Or analogy. Whichever. 


  1. Hate to blow your idea out of the water, but I think it is 100% accurate to say "Life is like Calvinball."

  2. Well now I just look ridiculous, because you are right. Life is exactly like Calvinball.
