Monday, September 14, 2015

Bucket List suggestions

If you are looking for things to add to your bucket list, experiences that one should be sure to have before they die, here's one for you: Take a little kid to a Lego Store.

I was lucky enough to go to the Lego Store with my sister-in-law and my nephews, #s 12, 18, and 22. Twenty-two is only interested in Legos inasmuch as they serve as teething toys, but the other two, age 3 and 6, are very into them. When we pulled up in the parking lot to the mall, the 6-year old already had a grin that I think is best described as "ear to ear". And it managed to get bigger when he saw the sign for the Lego store. By this point the excitement had spread to his entire body. He had a grin in his walk! The look on his face when we walked in the store was priceless. There is a kind of joy that is an actual force beyond the person who is happy. This was that kind of joy. So powerful that if enough of it was unleashed upon the world, I think it could achieve world peace.

The 3-year old was also in awe, although his was more verbal. While his brother was into the Lego sets, I think he just had fun being able to play with the toys. He helped me fill up a cup-of-Legos (or whatever they are called) and delighted in providing me with a wide selection of colors. He was less concerned about the actual type of brick.

It was a delightful experience, one that sets a new standard for what it means to be happy. And if you haven't experienced it, you are totally missing out.

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