Sunday, August 16, 2015

I saw a sign

I've been going through old photos (old being within the last 5 years, which is not that old. We're not talking black and white, or even pre-digital here. I don't even know why I said old. Seriously) to pick some for my digital photo frame (thanks Renegades!)  and came across some signs that I've taken pictures of. Because sometimes, signs are really funny. So, here is the latest in my sign gallery, from the lovely location of Mackinac Island (taken last year when I was there for a conference. See! Not even old!):

(For the record, Doghouse is a food stand that sells hot dogs. But don't you just love the sign)

You pretty much have two food options on Mackinac. American pub and Fudge. Some brave soul decided to introduce a third option, but most visitors weren't sold on it. It was the only uncrowded dining establishment while I was on the island. The name is clever, but most people just don't say, "You know what I could really go for? A salad bar, with some frozen yogurt afterwards."

There's a mathematical/existential conundrum for you. 

And this one, on the way back from Mackinac. I think that this policy is more than just, and should possibly be introduced in more areas of society. Although, we better be clear on the meaning of "unattended". Because sometimes, life happens. 

That's all for this edition of Signs I saw. But stay tuned!

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