Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Winning the family lotto

So, you don't really get to choose your family (outside of who you marry), but when it comes to the family-luck-of-the-draw, I think I won the lotto. I have a big family: 8 kids in my family, and more aunts and uncles and cousins than I can count on my fingers and toes. I was always a shy little squirt, so I was a bit intimidated by my aunts and uncles as a kid (generally speaking) and never really got to know them.

Which is a shame, but has provided me the wonderful opportunity to get to know them now. I don't see them much, just because I'm not in the same geographic area and because we are growing up and spreading out, but whenever I see them or talk to them or hear from them, I am just so amazed at how great my family is. From time to time, I call upon them for a favor, and I still feel a bit shy, but they always just cheerfully help out. And when I get done asking for the favor, I find I've also really enjoyed talking to them about stuff. My relatives are just great people who make you feel worthwhile (good grief, they remember my name out of the 50+ other nieces/nephews/cousins they have! That's remarkable in and of itself!) and just cheer me up.

So, whatever other lottos I lost I think I definitely won this one. Which is one of the most important ones anyway.

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