Monday, May 26, 2014

Major achievements

Some days, my biggest achievements are really small. Making a phone call, sending an email, getting to bed at a fairly normal time, eating vegetables. Being a semi-sane person. 

Last week my big accomplishment was using chopsticks. I was going to lunch at a Japanese restaurant with some co-workers and I knew that there would be chopsticks, and I really didn't want to be the one person using a fork. So, I came home the night before and, with the wonderful magic of YouTube, found a video on using chopsticks and managed to learn to use them well enough that I could transport food to my mouth without dropping it, at least most of the time. And the next day at lunch, I did alright. It was a major accomplishment for me. 

I realize it is fairly minor in comparison to what a lot of people achieve in a day or week, but I take my victories where I can find them. 

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