Sunday, November 18, 2012

Things we learn from Doctor Who

Very important takeaways from Doctor Who:

1. Fangs make everything scarier.
2. Don't be obese (or you will be an excellent target for the Slitheen).
3. Do well in school (and avoid the beast below).
4. Don't live in England, because that is where the aliens always hit first.
5. Don't trust old people.
6. Don't stalk people. It's not nice and it never turns out well.
7. ALWAYS put pants on before going to investigate mysterious whooshing noises in your backyard.
8. Don't put the Doctor in a trap. Bad idea.
9. Beware of cracks in walls.
10. Never insult a fake vampire's mother. Unless of course you have something sturdier than a broom at hand to duel with.
11. If you have to die, you might as well do it looking like a Peruvian folk band.
12. Kids drawing with deep creepy voices is a bad sign.
13. Don't let strangers who are way too serious come in and take over your nice, harmless little obsession group, especially if they want you to hunt down the Doctor. Seriously. If people want you to hunt the Doctor, get away from them.
14. Be flexible. Very very flexible. Because it's never going to go according to plan.
15. Seriously, you should listen to the Doctor.
16. There's always a way out.
17. Everyone wants to get their grubby little hand-like appendages on planet earth.
18. Why not go for a swim while reading?
19. When you see something unusual, you really might want to have a Plan, and maybe a few backup plans, before you rush in and start messing around with it.
20. Bow ties are cool.
21. Stop talking to me when I'm cross.
22. If you recognize a British actor and don't know where you've seen them, just assume it was in a Doctor Who episode.
23. Whimsy is a beautiful thing.

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