Tuesday, October 9, 2012

To Do

I was laying in bed the other night, thinking of things I want to do in my life. Now, I feel I should mention here that there are two categories that my goals fall into. There is the experience category, or things I want to try. And there is the accomplishment category, things I want to do. I actually have a list of things I want to accomplish, and I must say it was very exciting when I got to cross off "Earn a Master's Degree" in April. Seriously, it felt good. But, I digress.

The Do category is a lot more important to me than the experience category, because the Do list is more character shaping. The experience list is a lot more flexible and a lot less critical. It is also a lot more spontaneous and whimsical (keeps it fun). But there are some constants on there (constant mostly because I actually remember them, rather than constant because they haven't been scratched off). By no means comprehensive or final, here are a few:

1. I want to learn to swim.
I can swim. Ish. Let's just say, if you're drowning, I hope that I'm not the only person that knows it, because while I could possible save my life, I wouldn't be able to save yours. Sorry. It's not personal. My biggest worry here is that I won't be able to master the coordination necessary to pull this off, coordination not being one of my natural talents, but I am going to try. Because I love the water, and I want to be able to swim, and not just in an ish sort of way.

2. I want to go snowshoeing.
Due to that whole coordination problem, skiing has never seemed like a great idea to me. But snowshoeing--that is something I could probably manage. I really want to try it.

3. I want to go ice skating.
I don't recall ever having done this, and I want to do it just once. And you should all hope you are so lucky to be witness to the comedy that will ensue when I do try it because, yeah, no coordination. (This also means that I will have to have the right person(s) to try this with. I'm particular about who is invited to share my experiences. Call me a snob).

4. I want to publish a book.
Okay, this is on the accomplishment list, but it is also an experience. I want to have the experience of seeing my nieces and nephews open a book that I wrote. The problem is that I can't illustrate, and I write picture book stories, so this is a work in progress. And, I should note, I want to be publisher published. Not that I have anything against Amazon publishing. But I want the best. (Yep. Snob).

5. I want to own a leather jacket.
I have no idea why. I just want one. A kind of fitted one, that is a little bit rebel. I am going to rock that jacket when I get it.

6. I want to see Niagara Falls.
I am actually kind of chafing because I'm fairly close to Niagara Falls at present, but I can't go see it. Which, it's kind of the off season at present, so I guess I'll have to live with it for now.

7. I want to travel.
I don't really have any particular place I want to travel (well, okay, Niagara Falls). I just want to have more whimsical, unforeseen travel opportunities. I've gotten to China, Vanuatu, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Washington DC, Madison, WI, and lots of other places that way. And another advantage of the random travel chance: you can't feel let down if a place doesn't live up to all you hoped it would be.

8. I want to be a better photographer.
This one, I am working on. I guess it's an accomplishment goal, too, sort of. Anyway, so far I've learned that I need a lot of pictures to get a few good ones, there is a time and a place for being persnickety about photos (sometimes, you are just trying to capture a moment). And, I need another camera.

9. I know this one...what was it?! Oh, yeah! I want to own another stick shift.
My first car was a stick shift. I loved driving that thing. Admittedly, it was old, and the heating/AC wasn't great, and there was no radio. But I loved driving a stick. And someday, I want to own another one.

I feel like 9 is a good number to stop at. (Thank goodness, because I can't think of anymore at present). I don't want to bore you. But, you know what they say about goals. You have to write them down, and you have to be accountable. So, two birds, one stone. Man, I am amazing!

1 comment:

  1. Elise! I didn't know you had never gone ice skating! We totally should have gone at some point. I used to figure skate, and I really like taking people out who have never been before. And although I obviously can't make promises, I'm pretty good at helping people not fall. Hmm, my skates are here in Texas with me, but maybe if you're still in Michigan, we could go sometime when I visit home!

