Sunday, May 27, 2012

Welcome to Limbo (Or, The Joys of the Unknown)

I recently moved from Graduate Student to Limbo, and it has been quite the experience. Along with the mental move, there was a physical move, which has provided all sorts of adventures, but it is mostly the mental move that has been the challenge. Going from Certainty to Uncertainty and not losing your sanity along the way is quite a feat.

As I've been trying to figure out how to cope in limbo land, I've had the opportunity to ponder what life would be like if we knew what was going to happen. Sometimes, it seems like it would be absolutely terrific if someone handed us a script, so that we knew that in Act V, we are jobless and everything is uncertain, but then in Act VI, all the pieces fall into place and life worked out. And we'd see all the little things in Act V that led to Act VI, and everything in Act V would make more sense, and we would be able to say, "Ah, see, this bump in the road is okay, because it leads to good things." But we don't get a script, and so we don't get to know those things.

Which is okay. Because where would the adventure be? How would that ever be interesting? Having experienced being completely in the dark, I can honestly say, I would rather have those moments than know the whole story. And, yes, I have thought that in the dark moments. (Not for long, but I have thought and believed that, so I'm not bluffing).

Besides, we are never totally clueless. Not really. I am a believer in God, and I have a lot of faith in Him, so I know He's going to work things out, if I work with Him. And I know what I am looking for, and I have bits and pieces of what is coming my way. Even if I don't know the exact details, I DO know life will be okay, and this is just a temporary thing. And in the meantime, I choose to make life an adventure. Generally. (Some days, bed is just a nice place to be).

It's like when I read the final Harry Potter book. I admit. I cheated. I read the last sentence. I do this often with books--read snatches from the end. You may think that it would ruin the reading experience. But let's face it: "The world was okay" or whatever the exact phrasing in Harry Potter 7's last sentence is hardly gives away the story. I think everyone needs to be able to read the end of their story and know that it's going to be okay. Then when you are in limbo and have no idea how life is ever going to come together, you have something to count on--that somehow, it will. And that is enough. Knowing exactly how really would take all the fun out of life.

So, even though I am in Limbo, and I can think of places I'd rather be, I'm okay here. Somehow, it is all going to work out and personally, I'm excited to see how. It is definitely going to be a great story.

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