Sunday, May 13, 2012

just can't win

The last couple of weeks I have had several ideas floating around for posts. Have I written them? Clearly, no. When I have ideas, I seem to lack time. When I have time, I seem to lack ideas. This is a serious problem. I am accepting submissions for solutions. The winner will get a Cake Fairy coupon.

Anyway, just so that May does not vanish from the archive, here are some future blog posts you might look forward to:
Elise's guide to language usage: Made up words are fun
In my spare time
The joys of the unknown (no, that is not sarcastic)
Presidential platforms, or why you should vote for me
Lessons learned, or I'm glad I'm me
Kids say the darndest things (which means I'd better start keeping track of the darndest things they say)
"I've been turned into a cow. May I be excused?"  (to properly cite this, it's a line from Emperor's New Groove)
Make 'em laugh

So there you have it. A few possible posts that may or may not be forthcoming, when I have thought them all out. And, now you know I have not abandoned this blog. I've just been busy living, so I have something to say on it.

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of submissions...I'm still accepting applications for my next roommate... :)
