Sunday, March 27, 2011

Lessons learned

 Here are some fun lessons I learned this week:
1. It really does pay to read ALL the words.
Have you ever read something, and thought you knew what you read, only to find out later that you missed a very important piece of information? Yeah. That's happened a couple of times recently.

2. Just put things back where they go.
My apartment complex has laundry cards that you put money on, and then use for the washers and dryers. A couple of weeks ago, I put some money on mine and did a load of laundry. Then, I went to do laundry, and my card was nowhere to be found. So, I paid $20 for a new one.Then I thought I lost my phone charger. Yeah, just didn't put it back where I usually keep it. And I thought I lost my debit card. I found it--not where it belonged. I really don't need the added stress. I should just put things away.

3. Bolivia is trying to get their ocean back.
So, I knew that Bolivia, a landlocked country, has a standing navy because once upon a time they had ocean access. What I didn't know is that they have spent the last 100+ years trying to regain access to the ocean (which they lost in a war with Chile). Now they are trying to get the international powers that be to intervene. Bolivian children, apparently, are raised thinking they have a patriotic duty to fight to get their ocean back. I just don't think I could get that passionate about it. But, kudos to their dedication.

4. Copyright kicks in as soon as you put something on paper.
Therefore, this post is copyrighted. No, seriously. I learned that you don't actually have to apply for a copyright to have copyright on stuff you produce. But it sure does help if you anticipate any legal battles.

5. Cooking is a lot more fun when you have people to share it with.
All week, I have been thinking of things I need to make, and every time I come up with an idea, I think about how long it will last me. When you are only feeding one person, you only have to cook once a week, which means there's a lot of stuff you don't get to try, because there just aren't enough opportunities.  Cooking really is a social endeavor.

6. I have some really great music in my music collection.
I have been listening to all of the music in my itunes library, because I have so much I don't know what I have. I have re-discovered a lot of great songs and really want to watch the Lord of the Rings Trilogy again. Ah, the power of music.

Til next time.

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