Sunday, December 29, 2024

So long, 2024

This year

I traveled 27740* flying miles across 24 flights
I visited 9 countries, 
including two new countries, Nicaragua and Brazil
Two nieces graduated from college
I spent my birthday in Mexico
I changed wards
I finally unpacked all of my books
I went to a niece's wedding
My last living grandparent died**
My student loans were forgiven
I had 2 new hired on the team I supervise, and my team acquired 4 other additional FTEs
I attended my national professional conference in person (for the first time since 2017!)
I attended a family reunion
I did a lot of puzzles
I bought a new laptop
I teased my nephew until his ears turned purple and his hair fell out***

*Once around the world with almost 3000 miles left over
**She was 95, and we are all very happy for her
***Not really, but he was fascinated that I was typing without looking at the screen, so I typed that in and he liked it so much he wanted it included

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Travelogue of a sock

My nephew was folding his laundry and trying to pair up socks. There is a bag full of mate-less socks that he was checking, and I asked how it got so full. He suggested the culpability lies with a sock gnome.

It does not, my friends. Over 36 hours, I had the opportunity to track one of his socks, and I believe it will clear up any mystery about how so many socks go missing in their house.

The sock in question had slid from his laundry pile to under the couch. I saw it and gave it to him and told him to take care of it. Which apparently means, "Throw it in the upstairs hallway," because that's what he did.

It stayed there for a while, definitely NOT put away or taken care of, and then somehow ended up in the bathroom behind the toilet. 

From there, it made it downstairs to the entryway by the front door. Then up to his bedroom, on the floor just inside the door. Then back into the hallway, then kicked down a couple of stairs, then kicked all the way down stairs into the entryway again.

Somehow it ended up back in his bedroom, where it was again left on the floor, un-put-away and un-taken-care-of. Until this morning, when finally he deigned to throw it in...the dirty laundry hamper. 

And this, kiddo, is the real reason so many of your socks go missing. Stop blaming the gnomes. 

Meet Jim the sock

Monday, December 16, 2024

Christmas fun

I took a spin up the road to check out their Christmas village set up. It was very Christmas-y. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Who asked for this?

mustard flavor Skittles

drinkable mayonnaise

Ranch flavored ice cream

bacon scented cologne

chicken-flavored ice cream 

ketchup flavored ice cream

hot dog flavored ice cream (which I have tried so can speak with authority)

basically, many flavors of ice cream do not need to exist

Seriously, people. What are we doing?