One of my ice breaker questions that I've never had a real answer to is "If you could name a street, what would you name it?" Fun question, but I haven't really known.
Until now. My niece and I were talking about street names because we were driving through a neighborhood with streets named after fancy US universities which of course made us wonder why they chose those names. And then it kind of blurred into streets with names of people, we think. And so I asked my icebreaker.
She pitched the idea of numerical streets, but like, something mathematical, and it hit me that Infinity would be an AMAZING street name. Using the infinity symbol, of course (per my niece). And then we thought you could have a whole mathematical neighborhood, which would be awesome. I mean, I've seen planet neighborhoods, so why not math stuff?
Then we came up with a neighborhood with the periodic table of elements, which would also be cool. You could have some really fun street names that way. And geological-themed neighborhoods. We decided anatomy wouldn't be the best subject matter (it could get gross pretty quick), but you could do the genus/species thing from biology. There is a huge dearth of STEM-based street names, guys.
So, now I have several ideas for what I'd name a street, and maybe you have some new ones, too!