As you draw to an end, I bid you goodbye. Perhaps not a fond goodbye, but I can say I will miss you, if only because I could use some more time in this lovely life venture.
There were ups and downs and rough patches and peaceful moments. Lots of change, which I'm still not sure I got right. A new hobby, less of an old one, good books read, lots of podcasts listened to, and many nieces and nephews visited. Some progress on goals (not nearly as much as there should have been). Lonely moments, and breaths of joy.
Whatever else happened, I got lucky enough to end the year on a great note (so much fun with nieces and nephews!), which will go a long way in filling out the good memories. And while I am saying "so long", I don't think the new year in my life is going to be all that different. (I swear, you years all seem to be the same!)
Anyway, like it or not, it's time for us to move on. So ciao to you, 2015. It's been something.