Why do so many hobbies result in stuff? Like, knitting, you end up with sweaters or socks or cute stuffed animals or hats and stuff. Crocheting, you end up with blankets and scarves and washcloths and stuff. Painting, you end up with paintings--more stuff, and there's only so many walls in the world. Baking--you make stuff. And then eat it. Unless you know someone who will take it off your hands. So many hobbies generate stuff!
There are things like writing, which can be all digital, but it's still a lot of files that you have to deal with. And, I dabble in photography, which means a LOT of photos on my computer and then I have to keep moving them across hard drives and computers, or I have to print them. And then what do you do--albums? Scrapbooks? More stuff.
There are hobbies like running and other athletic things, but I was not blessed with great ability or joy in most sports. (I do like volleyball, but it is a little hard to do solo or just anywhere). I could take up walking. I don't mind a good walk. And I do have some new winter boots to break in, if it ever decides to snow. And reading! Which, there are libraries, so you don't actually have to buy books, which is delightful. And it's a hobby, right, so it doesn't have to produce a thing. It can just be fulfilling.
I do wish there were a few more options, but how many hobbies does one really need.