Sunday, July 23, 2023

Something suspicious

I like fruit snacks. It wasn't a thing I had when I was a kid (maybe that novelty is part of their attraction?) but I have definitely made up for the lost years of my childhood and have even discovered which ones I prefer. But when I eat them, I can't completely escape the niggling in my mind that tells me they are just softer gummy bears with a smaller serving size. But one is a candy and one is a "snack", and they get to go in different aisles of the grocery store. 

Same with muffins. They are basically undercover cupcakes, but one is a breakfast food and the other dessert. Once you start to think about it, most of the breakfast aisle  has been invaded by desserts. Pop tarts?  Fake pie that you put in the toaster. Cereal bars? Closer to candy bars trying to keep a low profile. And there's a whole line of "snacks" that are desserts in disguise. Someone is definitely trying to subvert my breakfast (and snack) diet!

On the bright side, it does make me feel slightly less horrible about how often I skip breakfast. 

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