Sunday, May 16, 2021


In the past two weeks, it seems like all my tech has updated to new operating systems. And, I do not like it, Sam-I-Am!!!

The biggest change--and the one I'm most annoyed at--is that I can no longer close selected apps. It's all or nothing, baby. Not being (ever) an all-or-nothing kind of girl, this chafes my personality. But also, it's legitimately a pain. Sometimes, I want to close one or two apps, but keep a third open because it's something I'm going to come back to. And, having to close all or nothing seems massively inefficient and/or battery draining to my non-science-y-teched-out-but-still-pretty-rational brain. And I just really want to know who it was that was griping about this problem. Who is it that was getting super annoyed by having the option to close individual apps OR all of them? It seems like a problem that didn't really need a fix.

And this is why people hate change. Well, one of the reasons. So often updates seem to fix problems that didn't exist and exacerbate problems that did, or create problems that didn't exist. Is this some kind of job security strategy on the part of software engineers? Because it's really not working out for me so well, and I'd like to figure out a new plan. 

Don't get me wrong. I know that change is important. Change helps us become better people, it helps us do better things for each other and the planet. And it is definitely part of life. Spend 5 minutes on this planet, and you are going to deal with change that just happens because it does. (Sorry, dear little new babies). 

But, we really don't need to go creating change just to have change and for no other reason (hear that, CEOs, execs, and managers?). And, can we really try not to make change that makes things worse? I promise--there WILL be jobs in the future, it's going to be okay. And, if you are just someone with a short "change attention span" who needs to switch things up constantly, move your furniture around. Or dye your hair. Paint your nails! Sit on the floor at work!!! There are so many ways without making me have to learn my device again practically from scratch for no apparent reason other than someone somewhere got bored. (Boredom--a definite nemesis).

And now, my rant is over. At least for you. I make no promises for anywhere else. 

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