Saturday, January 5, 2019


Well, 2019 has started off in a pretty downer way. First, I am back home in a very empty apartment after having spent nearly 2 weeks with a house full of kids. It's very depressing. I'm not getting nearly enough hugs.

Second, I've been sick. (A final parting gift from my nephew. He's two and not really well-versed in gift giving. Also, he's adorable, so it was totally worth the risk of getting sick to play with him). I ended up taking two days off work and only went on Friday because I felt horribly guilty for missing two days right after my vacation and felt less bad. And, probably because I was bored.

The ridiculous thing is that despite being a full-fledged adult, I honestly had no idea if I was sick enough for a sick day. I kept feeling like I needed to call someone to find out how sick is too sick for work? I think what really clinched it was the idea that my co-workers probably didn't want me around because I sounded so awful. And I didn't feel great. I was blowing my nose every ten seconds and my ears felt like they needed to pop I was so congested. And my throat and ears did hurt off and on, but mostly only in the mornings and evenings. So, probably good that I stayed home but you would think that after half a lifetime, I would know a little better if I'm too sick to go anywhere.*

Anyway, maybe that means I'm not a full-fledged adult, which may have all sorts of implications. But, I think I'm finally on the mend. So, even though I would love to just stay in bed for a few more days, I guess it's time to be an adult and face the real world. Sigh.

I really miss Christmas.

*Of course, I had to go somewhere. I'd been out of town for 2 weeks and had no food. And then I had to come home and make food. It really stinks to be sick when you are single and live alone.

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