Sunday, January 10, 2016

Good riddance

I confess, I jumped on the Candy Crush bandwagon a while ago. While I have many apps to play, that one was kind of the go to one. Which I guess was fine--it filled up time on the bus ride and all. But I also noticed that I'd end up playing when I should have been doing other things (like getting sleep!), for no reason other than I had lives. "Oh, it's 10:00. I should get ready for bed. But, I have 3 more lives. So I'll play until I have no more lives." And even that would be a different story if I was actually enjoying it, but I wasn't even enjoying it. It was just the thing that I did. Talk about zombie apocalypse.

So, while I was at my sister's for Christmas, we were having a conversation about I-don't-even-recall-what and I was talking about this very phenomenon. And I thought, "I should just delete the app from my device." That night, before going to bed (and without playing at all, if I recall. Not even a farewell game), I did just that without thinking about it*. And you know what? I don't even miss it. Don't even really notice that I'm not playing it.

Which is not to say that I'm now suddenly incredibly productive and focused. It's more like I pulled up one weed and still have an entire row to go. But honestly, I don't miss it at all. Like I say, I often played just out of boredom, rather than pleasure, so it makes it easy to not miss. But it feels nice to have cleaned up the time clutter a bit. Not a bad way to start the year.

*Note to self: when you get ideas like that, act on them right away. If you put them off, you are likely to talk yourself out of it, even when it's really a great idea. Sometimes, you shouldn't overthink things. 

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