Sunday, September 15, 2013

The wonders of Iceland

I have decided to become obsessed with Iceland.

I know, I know, most people don't actively choose to become obsessed with things. But better to choose your obsessions and be in control of them than not. Right? (sure, sure).

Anyway, Iceland. I watched this video a while ago, and it starts out with a brief blurb about Iceland. So of course, they are showing footage of Iceland the whole time. And it is GORGEOUS. Seriously, how do people not just flock to Iceland just to stand outside and see how beautiful it is?

I've actually joked about moving to Iceland as my plan B for a while. Originally, my plan B was to be Prime Minister of Italy, because I read somewhere that only a crazy person (I think they actually did use the phrase mentally ill) would want the job. Which, on the bright side meant that 1 in 4 Americans could have been candidates, if the depression statistics are right. (Having dealt with depression, I feel I can say that with impunity). But then Italy found someone to do the job, so I needed a new plan B. I heard that Iceland had a very low crime rate (insanely low) and I've heard that they are all more or less related (albeit distantly) so I figured they could probably use some fresh blood. And that was before I saw how beautiful the place is.

Then I read this book and learned that for the past few years (at least as of 2010), Iceland has been in the top rankings for places to live in terms of peace, safety, and well-being. What is not to love about this place? And, most of them speak English, so I wouldn't even have to worry about communicating. Although, how cool would it be to learn Icelandic? And, I just read somewhere that they don't have mosquitoes. Another site said they don't have a McDonald's. At all. Which is impressive. And kind of awesome. Although apparently they eat fermented shark, so maybe a McDonald's wouldn't be such a bad thing. I don't know. I've never tried any kind of shark, let alone fermented shark.

Mostly, though, how could a bunch of people living on an island of glaciers and volcanoes not be amazing? Statistically, I think it's improbable.*

I'm not saying I'm going to pack my bags and move there, but I have definitely added "Go to Iceland" to my list of things to do in my lifetime. And, if push comes to shove, I think it's a pretty darn awesome Plan B.

*It should be noted here that I never really studied statistics. But, I don't see why I can't make them up like everyone else. Or at least make the field work for me. Isn't that what statistics are for, ha ha?

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