Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Piece of Cake

I have this thing where, from time to time, I make baked good and then pack them up, and take them with me somewhere, and give them out to people that I think could use some sweet goodness in their life. This may sound like a bizarre and potentially dangerous  thing to do, but since I am generally giving them out in settings where I know the people there, it's really less risky than you might think, other than the chance that someone who did not get sweet goodness will start a riot. Which to date has not happened, and I really don't anticipate it. But if for some odd reason I completely lost my mind and ran for President (hey, just a few more years and I'm eligible, now that I think of it), I would definitely be running on a cake platform.

So, today I distributed cake to three friends in my program. I actually planned giving it to one friend, who had been raving about my cakes, and I realized it had been a while since I'd given her cake, and I felt an urgent need to remedy the situation. And I thought it would be nice to give some to another friend of mine, just because. And I had a third container of cake, and saw a third friend, and thought, "Yes. He needs cake." And, go figure, he did.

I sometimes worry that people will feel kind of bad that I didn't actually think of them from the outset, but so far, no one has complained. I think it is just taking the whole "Be prepared" motto to a new level. Help an old lady cross the street, have delicious baked goods on hand to share with those in need. It is just being prepared to make someone's day. (This  may be why I am sometimes referred to as a cake fairy. Maybe.)

Anyway, if you ever want to feel like you've made a difference in the world, you should try giving people cake. Honestly. You won't regret it.

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