Saturday, February 11, 2012

Silver linings

On Monday, I went out to my car to go to campus to meet up for a team project, and lo and behold, my tire was flat. Not exactly what I really needed to start my day (even though it was almost noon), or my week. Anyway, I ended up catching the bus, and the rest of my day worked out, but I was faced with having to replace my tire, which was tricky because my hours happen to be during the hours that businesses open. But that is not the point of the story.
When I put on the spare, I discovered that there was a nail in my tire, which is what caused the flat. So much trouble because of a nail!
I did manage to go in and have my tire changed, and when they were changing them, they discovered that one of the rims was cracked, and therefore unsafe to drive on. Another rim was bent enough that at some point, it would probably suffer the same problem. So, I had them replaced, and now my car is safe to drive, at least as far as tires and rims go. Not really something I could afford, but better that than be dead.
As I was telling my sister about this particular little stress in my life, I realized that the nail was a little blessing in disguise. I don't know how dangerous it was to be driving on that cracked rim, but it can't have been good, and I never would have known about it if I hadn't gotten a nail in my tire. Which just goes to show that sometimes there is a silver lining to our clouds.

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