Monday, December 19, 2011


I'm not usually very serious when I post, but I've been learning a lot lately, and I thought it might help to remember and stay positive if I wrote some of the lessons I've been learning. I think loneliness is something most people are familiar with. But over the last few weeks, I have come to realize that loneliness isn't just about absence of people. It is also the absence of presence. I recently lost someone dear to me, who had such a presence in my life, that even when they weren't there, I wasn't lonely, because they were part of my life. Just knowing that they cared about me filled the silence and the empty places. I didn't have to see them or be around them for that to happen. And having lost them, I find the loneliness more lonely than before. Even when I'm around people, and being active, there is a loneliness, because the presence of that person is gone. And the silence and emptiness is deeper, more desolate, than it was before this person came into my life. I never knew that presence could be so powerful, and I am beginning to understand loss on a new level. It isn't a pleasant experience, and I hope that I am good enough to endure it well, and be wiser for it, and most of all I hope that someday, there will be another presence to fill the empty, silent places.

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