Sunday, July 31, 2011

Welcome to the Puddle--Galoshes available at the door

I like rain. I like watching it. I like walking in it (although, admittedly, lightning is kind of problematic). I like thunder, I like lightning (mostly watching it). Rain is great. What's not to like about it?

Well, ask a stupid question...I found out this week that I'm not such a huge fan of rain indoors. You know the kind of thing. Rains six inches in one night (a delightful display of thunder, lightning, and downpour, I might point out), and runs out of places to go, so the rain decides your apartment would make a great place to hangout. I definitely was not expecting to slosh to my alarm clock to hit snooze on Thursday morning, but what else can you do when your entire apartment is sitting under almost an inch of water?

On the bright side, though:
I got to go puddle jumping in my house. How often does that happen?
I finally decided what to do with all those boxes I've had stashed away, taking up closet space. (There's really only one thing to do with wet cardboard. Recycle).
I finally have good motivation to take things to get dry cleaned. (It was really just my formal, which was long enough to touch the floor and get wet. But if I'm taking one thing to be cleaned, might as well take it all, right?)
I had the brilliant thought to not leave my computer sitting on the floor. (Envision choirs singing here).
I have a great name for my apartment now. (The Puddle. I like it).
I have discovered that humidity really does amazing things for the natural curl in my hair.
It's a really great story to tell.
All I had to do was call the office management, and they dealt with the cleanup, mostly.
It makes that renter's insurance I've been paying for seem totally worth it. (I mean, it was worth it anyway, but still. Now I know how it can come in handy).
Free carpet cleaning. Ish.
I have a greater appreciation for dry feet. (My feet weren't properly dry until roughly 6:20 on Thursday. Bless you, my tevas).
I have great motivation to go do things. Or maybe I should say, a very handy excuse. The logic goes something like this: "I really should hem those pants. But...there's no dry place to try them on, and nowhere to work on them, since everything that was on the floor is on the table at present. So, I might as well go to Rochester with Emily and Sister Dunn." Automatic justification for playing and not getting things done. (Cut me some slack, it's summer and I had a very hibernative winter. I need to play!)
Every day, I get to think about how blessed I am, because even though my apartment flooded, it really wasn't a disaster. I didn't really lose anything of value, and even though I am kind of bored with the dampness of my place, it's drying out, and in a week or two, I won't even remember. I mean, really. What is there to complain about?

That's all for this time. Stay tuned for more from the Puddle.

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