Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Tribute

Perhaps you have wondered about the odd URL for my blog. Most of you probably have no idea what patikiwaka means. If you aren't wondering about this, then you probably know my dad.

Last year, I spent about 8 months living with my parents and brother. It was a fabulous experience, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I have never woken up laughing as much as I did during that time, and I have my dad to thank for that. Here is a typical morning:

Front door shuts. creaks and thumps of footsteps overhead. Murmured voices as Mom eats breakfast and Dad works on crossword. Suddenly, singing. The words are not recognizable, it appears to be jibberish, in a nasal, false operatic voice. The performance is interspersed with 'humming' of familiar tunes, and a few intelligible phrases, but is, for the most part, nonsensical song and monologue. In spite of its silliness, there is an underlying sense of contentment. I lay in bed enjoying the routine, chuckling to myself. Another day has started off with a grin.

What does this have to do with patikiwaka? Well, that is one of my dad's favorite nonsensical phrases to orate. I got in on the blog scene kind of late, and do you know how hard it is to find a blog address that doesn't involve some kind of number? I know it is kind of a shocker, but patikiwaka wasn't taken.

Is this early onset senility? No. My dad has always dabbled in absurd phrases. Growing up, our favorite was Black-o-gee-gits and Ickie Stewies. Later, he added, "Bleh on your units." In recent years, "My name is Herkimer Snerd. Some people say I'm a nerd," became part of his repertoire. The singing is just the most recent evolution in his act.

You may still have your doubts about my old man's sanity, but let me assure you, he's not crazy. At least no crazier than anyone else. The best way to describe this morning ritual is his way of showing joie de vivre.* And while it was nice that patikiwaka wasn't already taken for a blogspot, it is also very significant to me. It means being happy, enjoying the moment, not worrying, being silly because it's fun, randomness, making it up as you go, and on and on. It seemed an appropriate choice for my blog.

I miss home, and of course I talk to my family on the phone and stuff. But I really really miss waking up laughing.  I wonder if my dad would do a wake up call....

This blog post is brought to you by:
the economy, for getting me back home
Penny, who is also entertaining in the morning
The Idaho State Journal, for getting my dad out of bed in the morning
Silliness, because it's beautiful
the internet, without which I wouldn't be blogging
blogger, for providing me with such a cool blogspot
the letter p
and the number 17

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